

Two tickets to see Drive: $20 
Bottle of red wine from Gross Out: $4.30
X-Box Live: $9.99

Three beers and a bag of chips, plus tip @ Mr. Pickles: $13 (cash)
A coffee and an americano @ Old Soul: $2 (cash)

I didn't mention last time that I have 60 bucks of cold-hard cash stored in a bible in my bookshelf, plus about eight bucks in my wallet and whatever amount of tips I gather from my last three shifts at Old Soul (which should be about 60, minimum). So that's all obviously going to be the first of my income to disappear in the coming weeks, but it's still a nice cushion to start with. Maybe I'll save that for my inevitable desperate trip to Thunder Valley Casino after I learn how to count cards. 

My account dropped twenty pounds from a trip to the movies with Jenny and Jake, but I loved the movie from start to finish, so it was totally worth it. My companions didn't seem so impressed, however, but I think this is one of those movies where you need to know what you're getting into, otherwise watching Ryan Gosling smash a guy's face to a pulp will be a little too shocking. 

Spent part of Sunday doing homework and laundry. Spent the other bit going to an open-house on 16th Street to look at a place with Iven and Andy. Really beat-up house, honestly, but it's got good potential. Needs some work. Probably won't be filling out the application, even though the rent is cheap and the location's not bad. Still nice to be proactive with the house-searching. It'll happen, sooner than later. 

Meredith called, asked me about the vibe at Old Soul, told me she was reluctant to go back to working there. I told her I could understand. I wouldn't want to go back there after spending six weeks in Peru. Anyway, she's got her reiki healing business to keep her afloat. It was good to hear her voice, glad to know she's back home safe.

Tomorrow I need to call Blue Shield about health insurance. Sounds like super fun time. I also need to cancel X-Box Live, once and for all, because I haven't played anything online in months. That's ten wasted dollars.

I've got three shifts left at Old Soul and then the adventure really begins.



  1. I like a good countdown as much as the next guy, but honestly, don't fuck yourself.

  2. Not fucking yourself is good advice, especially if you have a girlfriend.

  3. ive decided to make a budget for you, because i have a useless econ degree.

    You have 4 months until ur next financial aid disbursement, leaving you around 1117 dollars a month. Rent+utilities= 600 a month, Phone = 40, So your fixed costs are 640 give or take. Now for your variable costs... Food = 250 ($8.50 a day). That leaves you 227 dollars for entertainment or miscellaneous expenses. Remember that number, 227, and every time u buy something, subtract it from that. And if you spend more than $8.50 on food in a day, subtract the difference as well. BUT if you spend less that 8.50, add it to 227! cha ching!


  4. Oh wait, ur gonna have move-in costs too. Rental deposit plus any activation fees for cable or internet. DONT GET ANYTHING ACTIVATED! Divide the deposit and activation fees by 4, and subtract that from 227 to get ur new variable cost budget.

    Peace again
