

And now for something completely different. Sort of.

Yesterday I decided to put the Peace Corps on hold and apply to study abroad in Istanbul next semester. To do this, I needed two teacher recommendations, a transcript from SSU, a one-page essay explaining why I want to go, an eight-dollar check and a completed application. The deadline is tomorrow. With two days to gather all of these things, I wasted no time and was able to turn in my application today before my linguistics class.


To be fair, I still need to complete an interview and sit down with an adviser, but I got the hard part out of the way, and in record time. Both Helt and Clark were encouraging and happy to fill out recommendations, even though we pretty much just met. It helped that I scored 96/100 on Clark's first grammar test. In my essay I hinted at things like "language immersion" and the value of experiencing alternate cultures. True stuff. I'm super excited. 

The Peace Corps will always be there. Plus this buys me a bunch of time to take care of my teeth without cramming three extractions and eleven cavity removals into one month, which is what I would have to do if I want to send out my documents within their recommended 9-12 month window. I figure I can finish the TESOL program like everyone else and apply for the Peace Corps again when I'm well-prepared and ready. 

In other news, Jenny and I are cramming in a few last-minute activities together before she leaves next Thursday. Rock-climbing, salsa dancing... She attended her last bonfire last night, a mellow one, and we were able to arrange carpools to go to the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival tomorrow.

School is going well. Unemployment is going well. 

I wrote a short story. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome man! Istanbul used to be Constantinoble!
