

I wasn't going to write again until after I got my financial aid, but I've already forgotten details of the week that I knew I should've written down.
Today was eventful. I bumped into Kelly at Old Soul in the morning when I'd been there writing and we made plans to get lunch later at N Street Cafe. Brady and I played a few intense chess games in his apartment. Kevin and Ricardo were having a fire in the backyard and I joined them. Kevin's girlfriend (wife?) came by and I forget her name, but she bought us pizza and we ate in the kitchen, which Ricardo rearranged and really improved upon. Kevin was pretty drunk and disappeared and after sticking around for a few more conversation topics, his wife (?) went up and joined him. Ricardo told me about a near bar-brawl experience and I got to talk about the plans I've made with Jenny and by the time we'd all called it a night, we all knew each other a little bit better. Ricardo and Kevin are great guys to take over the spirit of this house and I hope whoever fills my room will fit the groove. They're showing my room tomorrow from 3 to 5 PM. Our landlords tend to pick good characters. I'm excited to see what's become of the place when I come back from South Korea. 

Otherwise, I remember hanging out with Kelly, hanging out with Paul, seeing Samir and Sarah, watching a movie called "Crazy On The Outside," creating this portfolio for myself, packing books into boxes, organizing my clothes into suitcases and learning how to say the first 20 numbers in Turkish. 

The days all blend. This is a strange time. I've done good with filling my time, making it pass quickly, but I also recognize how distant these memories will feel once I'm overseas. I want to make sure I embrace the temporal state of things and make the most of them. It's been good getting to know my housemates. It's been good to share my plans with strangers because everyone has advice and encouragement to share. Until I'm there, however, there is more waiting to be done and paperwork to be filled. But soon, soon all of this patient thumb-twiddling will be worth it.

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