

The short-lived increase to my bank account has been drained today from the 3,000 bucks I had wired to Istanbul for the dorm fees. Afterward I snail-mailed my Dorm Contract and two additional passport photos to the university, thereby meeting all the requirements for moving in. It's really overwhelming to think about all the money I've thrown down for this. I look forward to erasing this immediate debt with financial aid, though really that's just more debt, but at least it's good debt. It's an experience. It's an opportunity. It's expensive but what the hell, if I'm gonna be an unemployed grad student, I might as well be an unemployed grad student in Istanbul.

Next I need: 

1. Two plane tickets (Turkey to South Korea, South Korea to California)
2. Health insurance (roughly 300 bucks)
3. Official grad-student status confirmation (mid-January)

In about an hour I'll be leaving to meet my mom for dinner at a family friend's house. This is the official start of the Christmas Season for me, since it's up to Auburn afterward and family fun-time until the 31st. I'll be heading over to Colorado with my grandmother on the 26th by plane and leaving by train on the 29th (it's a long ride). That said, I figure I'll be off the radar for a couple days. Could be nice. I'm too financially unstable to get anyone a gift, which sucks, but I think a few sweet Turkish souvenirs should make up for that. Not sure what to expect as gifts, though cash-money and warm coats are at the top of my list this year. I've been wearing the scarf that Jenny's mom made for me and it's been a lifesaver in this Sacramento chill. It'll be nice to have in the winter months in Turkey. I still can't believe it's already Christmas again. It's already getting close to the year-anniversary of the day Jenny and I first hung out. 

The next thing I write will probably be some evaluation of the past 12 months. 

It's been a really good year. I look forward to building upon it in 2012. 

Time to start packing.

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