

I woke up to make a video love letter for Jenny, then met up with Kelly at Old Soul before a quick trip to the art supply store and a ride to Bret Harte Elementary for my last day of tutoring. Kelly and I said our goodbyes for the holiday. Tyler and I read his poem for the other tutors and kids. Erin was there filling a spot for another tutor and I told her about this show at the Press Club that I was going to with Iven tonight. She gave it a maybe. Later, after I spend a half-hour at the bank trying to figure out how to wire money to Istanbul, Iven comes over and we watch Event Horizon and wait for Andy, who joins us in our trek to the Zuhg show. Everything is fine and dandy, except for a few minutes I'm overwhelmed by a sudden pressure in my chest. Sweating and dizzy, I have to sit and ask Iven to ask the bartender for some water for me. I remember thinking very clearly: "This is going to pass. You'll get through this. And if you black out and collapse on the floor, Iven will take care of you." Luckily the sensation passed. I felt a little off-kilter for the rest of the night and called it quits early while the other two went out to meet up for karaoke with Jenn. The good news is the wire transfer doesn't seem too difficult. The reason I have extra money in my account is because I transferred about 3,000 bucks from my credit card. Jenny got her gift that I sent her. The video uses the song from the Like Crazy trailer, which I've decided is officially on the list of Our Songs, and making this made me miss her a thousand times more.

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